Nov 30, 2009
Unsolved Mysteries of Ouija Board - Learn how to use Ouija Board
MENTION THE USE of a Ouija board to a paranormal research group these days and you’ll get a lot of head shaking and statements about “opening portals” and “demonic entities”. Mention it to religious fundamentalists and you’ll practically see them shudder and back away on shaky legs, as if the board was created by Satan himself as a means of enslaving human souls.
How did the Ouija board and similar “talking boards” get this reputation? Is it deserved? How is it different than other methods of spirit communication?
The talking board has been around for well over 100 years. Its most popular incarnation today is the Ouija board, marketed by Hasbro. There have been many editions over the years and several imitators, but the concept is always the same: a board on which are printed letters and numbers; a planchette or pointer that spells out answers to questions when the users place their fingertips on it.
Marketed as a toy, the Ouija has been a best-seller for decades. This seems to be a relatively new idea. Where did this literal demonization of the Ouija board come from? this idea came from (or at least was popularized by) The Exorcist, both the book and the movie. In this work of fiction, pre-teen Regan tells her mother she’s been using the Ouija board by herself, conversing with someone named Captain Howdy. Shortly thereafter, she becomes possessed by the Devil.
Subsequent movies such as Witchboard, The Craft, and others further promoted the idea that the Ouija was a conduit to dark forces. Previous to these Hollywood productions, the Ouija was not generally regarded in this way. But the idea was also latched onto by many Christian fundamentalists, who tend to consider just about anything they don’t agree with as the work of Satan.
Then many paranormal researchers also came around to this way of thinking, but I've never come across any convincing evidence that would lead to this position. Yes, we’ve all heard the horror stories from people who claim to have serious negative experiences with the board. (In fact, you can read some of them in this site’s Tales of the Ouija section. Hey, a good story is a good story.) But how many of them can be verified? And how many of the tales are the products of active, highly suggestive, and eager-for-drama teenage imaginations? Yet the majority of paranormal investigators today will advise you not to use a Ouija board, taking the same stance as books such as Stoker Hunt’s Ouija: The Most Dangerous Game.
For the sake of argument, however, let’s say that at least some of these tales of terror are true. Some of them might be. Should we blame the board? Or should we blame the people using the board? In other words, where is this negativity really coming from? Is it coming from a demon, who I guess we have to assume is sitting around with nothing better to do, waiting for teenagers to sit down at a Ouija board to scare the crap out of them with a selection of supernatural antics? Or is it more likely that any effects – supernatural or not – arise out of the energized subconscious of the users?
If you read related articles of mine on this subject, you’ll know that I do not buy in to the notions of demons and possession. These are ancient superstitions – completely made up – for which there is no reasonable evidence. The idea of the Devil was created by humans to help humans explain to ourselves the evil that humans do. The sad truth is, however, that we create our own evil in the world. We’re responsible for it, not some discarnate demon. We create it, just as we create good in the world.
And what of the supernatural aspects? Just as it is now commonly accepted among most paranormal researchers that poltergeist activity – objects moved telekinetically, bangs on walls, and the rest of it – is created by the subconscious of a person or persons, so too can any extraordinary manifestations in a Ouija session be credited to the subconscious. Why is it often so negative? Because that is often the expectation of the users involved. Intention creates reality.
how to use OUIJA board
A Ouija board can be an interesting experience. Some believe it is a doorway to another world and warn against its use, but most people see it as a harmless diversion, especially if it's not taken too seriously. Here are some guidelines.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 15 minutes to 1 hour
Here's How:
1. It takes two to Ouija. Usually one person is not able to work the Ouija. Get a friend to use it with you. A male and female is usually recommended.
2. Timing. Most practitioners suggest using the board at night when, they say, less interference is in the atmosphere.
3. Create some atmosphere. The Ouija is more fun if you darken the room and light some candles. Turn off the TV and any music to minimize distractions.
4. Have a seat. The two users should sit facing each other, with knees touching if possible, with the board on their laps. Don't use a table.
5. Decide on a questioner or medium. Even though both people can ask questions -- or anyone else in the room can -- only one of the users should be the medium (the one to formally ask questions of the board).
6. Place your fingers on the planchette. You and your partner should place the fingers of both hands very lightly on the planchette, or pointer.
7. Move it. Purposely move the planchette around in a circle on the board for a moment or two to get it 'warmed up.'
8. Attitude. Don't let the board control the session. The medium should begin by announcing that the session will only allow an experience that is positive or toward a higher good and that negative energies are not welcome.
9. Begin simply. Start with a simple question, one that requires a yes or no answer.
10. Be patient. You might not begin to get answers right away. Give the board a chance to 'warm up.'
11. Be polite. When the board starts working, thank the board or entities for showing up and communicating with you.
12. Don't ask stupid questions. Avoid questions such as, 'When am I going to die?' If the board answers, 'in 6 months,' you might just worry about it needlessly.
13. Don't ask for physical signs. Many experienced users warn against asking for physical signs that the 'spirit' is real or present.
14. Don't believe everything the board tells you. Just as with any other source of information, don't accept whatever the board says to be the truth or accurate.
15. Close the board. This is an important step. When you're done with your session, slide the planchette to 'GOODBYE' and remove your hands.
1. Have someone write down the answers. Sometimes the letters spell out very quickly and it's difficult to keep track of what's being said. A third person with paper and pen can write down the message as it comes.
2. Play sober. You'll get better results if you haven't been drinking or smoking.
3. Maintain control. If the board starts giving rude, vulgar, obscene or otherwise disagreeable responses, break off the session immediately by closing the board.
taken from various articles and interviews
When are the End Times? various Revelations!
The British group The Lord's Witnesses believed that the end of the world would be March 21, 2008. The Mayan calendar is divided into months of 20 days, years of 360 days, katun of 7200 days and a baktun of 144,000 days. According to this ancient civilization the world will last for exactly 13 baktun cycles. Their calendar started on 3114-AUG-13 BCE with the birth of Venus and they expected the world to end during the Winter Solstice of 2012.
Along with the Mayan Calendar prediction is this prediction. Terence McKenna,based on Novelty Theory (the amount of novelty present in any temporal domain) predicts that “at the coincidence of the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic centre, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase. The theory does not make clear the nature of the ultra novel event, however, speculation as to the nature of the encounter with the trans-dimensional object at the end of time includes Solar Explosion and Quasar Ignition at the Galactic Core.”
In the year 1514 Pope Leo IX wrote "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence." That makes the end of the world to be in 2014.
Initially Eli Eshoh predicted that, based on his investigation into the Mystical Number 666, the world would end in 1998. It apparently has not – much to the annoyance of those who took Eshoh’s advice and sold all their belongings prior to 1998. However, he does reassure us that the end of the world is on course, “Do not fret about this. Everything is on track. The Rapture took place on June 6, 1998. The reason it wasn't noticed was that only 603,729 people were taken up, so out of a world population of 6,660,603,729 persons, it wasn't noticed. The question most of you may be asking is "Why am I still here." Obviously you weren't saintly enough to be selected by God to join him, so you will have to prove your worth in the upcoming Tribulation. The groundwork has been laid. The Beast was born on June 6, 1998, and a world is entering into a period of great instability. Mark the year 2028 on your calendars!” This explanation is rather feeble – surely some of the relatives of the “603,729 people were taken up” must have noticed they had not returned
2280 Quran Code
"When the horn is blown once, the earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed; utterly crushed. That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass." 69:13-15 The end of the world is coded in the Quran, according to the translation by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, and will be destroyed in 2280. The signs, of its impending destruction, given in the Quran have already been fulfilled. These include:
1) The splitting of the moon: This happened in June 1969 when man landed on the moon and brought back moon rocks.
2) The Creature (27:82): The Quran has predicted that at the right time God would produce a creature that would be instrumental in unveiling His signs. This was fulfilled, the creature was the computer which was instrumental in unveiling the Quran's numerical code, and proclaiming that the world has neglected God's
French physician and astrologer Nostradamus, (1503-1566), wrote a collection of prophecies, entitled Centuries, which were published in 1555. Worryingly, many of these prophecies, which predict events from the mid-1500s through the end of the world, have a habit of coming true. His prediction is that the end of the world will be in 3727.
1,000,000 A.D. Destruction by Gamma Rays
Provided we survive all the aforementioned ‘World Ends’ we will absolutely, definitely cease to exist in the year 1,000,000 – give or take a year or two. Gamma Ray bursts occur naturally in the Galaxy due to events such as neutron star binary inspirals. These occur every million years or so and produce a gamma ray flux which exceed even the largest solar flares. The absorption of this radiation into our atmosphere will increase nitric oxide concentrations and greatly reduce ozone concentrations resulting in the extinction of life on Earth.
Christ’s return was being forecast even before the Bible had been written. During the year 53 a rumor spread like wildfire, amongst the Thessalonians, that the day of reckoning was about to happen and widespread panic ensued. In the year 234 A.D. theologian, and martyr Hippolytus prophesied that the appearance of the Antichrist which would be followed by the Lord’s return. He believed that the world had a life span of 6,000 years and since Adam was born 5,500 years before Christ then the world had a sell by date of 500A.D.On April 24-25, 1982, people around the world opened their morning newspaper to discover the rather disturbing headline announcing, "The Christ is Now Here!" and claiming that “Christ had returned to Earth in a materialized body in July, 1977, and has since been living among a group of Pakistani Indian immigrants in South London, England” Most folk just didn’t feel prepared for Judgment Day.
Fortunately these full-page adverts, placed by the New Age religious group TARA Center, were mere speculation and several months later, with the world still in one piece, the group announced that they “the delay was only because the consciousness of the human race was not quite right. "
The Jehovah's Witnesses predicted doomsday as 1984. However, as the got it wrong in 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1925 and1975 most folk could be forgiven for simply ignoring their warning As the end of the first millennium approached mass hysteria spread across the Christian world that the return of Christ was nigh. From beggar to king everyone believed that this would be the New Year party to end all parties and that Jesus would be guest of honor. During the year 1999 there was a sudden burst or religious fervor with people selling of their worldly possessions and giving the money to the poor. Criminals were released from prisons. Believing that this was their last days of their life people stopped planting crops, neglected their property and flocked in huge numbers of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem. Y2K brought a similar hysteria. If you divide 2000 by 3, you will get the devil's number 666.66666666666666666666. Coupled with the fact that all computers were probably going to crash on the stroke of midnight the end of the millennium was count down with considerable apprehension.
(Taken from Internet search on predictions for the end of the world.)
With all these predictions, how can one determine when the end of the world will be? An untold number of people have tried to predict the Lord's return by using elaborate time tables. Most date setters do not realize mankind has not kept an unwavering record of time. Anyone wanting to chart for example 100 BC to 2000 AD would have to contend with the fact 46 BC was 445 days long, there was no year 0 BC, and in 1582 we switched from Julian Years (360 days) to Gregorian (365 days). Because most prognosticators are not aware of all these errors, from the get go their math is already off by several years. Throughout the years there are over 220 dates predicted for the end of the world.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip. Let’s look to the Bible and see what is revealed about the end times and the end of the world.
Mark 8:39 to 9:1 - Jesus was referring to the "adulterous and sinful generation" who were alive in the early 1st century CE when these words were spoken. Jesus expected that some of his audience would be alive when the "Kingdom of God" came with power. The Kingdom of God came in power
when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and upon the Church of God.
Mark 13:30-33 – Matthew 24:34 Here Jesus is speaking of different things that are happening and to take note so to prepare one’s self for the day that is to come.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 - Here, Paul seems to be referring to himself and some of the recipients of his letter as being alive when Jesus returns. However, Paul’s thought is that of hope and comfort to the Thessalonians who may have heard of “end of the world” predictions and were afraid.
Paul goes on to tell the Christians in Thessalonica these words as recorded in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11. Paul urges the recipients of this news to be on guard at all times, because no one knows the expected time for the second coming to happen. It may happen in their lifetime.
Revelation 14:6-10 is another reference to the end times.
2 Peter 3:3-10 - Even though the end of the world signs are being fulfilled on every hand, multitudes of people scoff at the Bible and the idea that the end of the world as we know it is just about here.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 tells of the wickedness that continues to occur even in the end of time. Matthew 24-25 - Jesus gives all kinds of predictions of the end times to His disciples. All followers of Jesus are to take note of these. So what are we to make of all this? Simply put, no one knows the day nor the hour when the end of time will come. No one can predict the day of Judgment nor the return of the Son of Man. However, we are to be ready at every moment and trust in God, believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and be faithful servants throughout all our life. Whether we are alive or dead when the end of the world comes, the only real importance for the end of life
question is, “Did you believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him? Did you remain faithful even until death? Only then will you receive the crown of life!
(Revelation 2:10).
Along with the Mayan Calendar prediction is this prediction. Terence McKenna,based on Novelty Theory (the amount of novelty present in any temporal domain) predicts that “at the coincidence of the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic centre, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase. The theory does not make clear the nature of the ultra novel event, however, speculation as to the nature of the encounter with the trans-dimensional object at the end of time includes Solar Explosion and Quasar Ignition at the Galactic Core.”
In the year 1514 Pope Leo IX wrote "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence." That makes the end of the world to be in 2014.
Initially Eli Eshoh predicted that, based on his investigation into the Mystical Number 666, the world would end in 1998. It apparently has not – much to the annoyance of those who took Eshoh’s advice and sold all their belongings prior to 1998. However, he does reassure us that the end of the world is on course, “Do not fret about this. Everything is on track. The Rapture took place on June 6, 1998. The reason it wasn't noticed was that only 603,729 people were taken up, so out of a world population of 6,660,603,729 persons, it wasn't noticed. The question most of you may be asking is "Why am I still here." Obviously you weren't saintly enough to be selected by God to join him, so you will have to prove your worth in the upcoming Tribulation. The groundwork has been laid. The Beast was born on June 6, 1998, and a world is entering into a period of great instability. Mark the year 2028 on your calendars!” This explanation is rather feeble – surely some of the relatives of the “603,729 people were taken up” must have noticed they had not returned
2280 Quran Code
"When the horn is blown once, the earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed; utterly crushed. That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass." 69:13-15 The end of the world is coded in the Quran, according to the translation by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, and will be destroyed in 2280. The signs, of its impending destruction, given in the Quran have already been fulfilled. These include:
1) The splitting of the moon: This happened in June 1969 when man landed on the moon and brought back moon rocks.
2) The Creature (27:82): The Quran has predicted that at the right time God would produce a creature that would be instrumental in unveiling His signs. This was fulfilled, the creature was the computer which was instrumental in unveiling the Quran's numerical code, and proclaiming that the world has neglected God's
French physician and astrologer Nostradamus, (1503-1566), wrote a collection of prophecies, entitled Centuries, which were published in 1555. Worryingly, many of these prophecies, which predict events from the mid-1500s through the end of the world, have a habit of coming true. His prediction is that the end of the world will be in 3727.
1,000,000 A.D. Destruction by Gamma Rays
Provided we survive all the aforementioned ‘World Ends’ we will absolutely, definitely cease to exist in the year 1,000,000 – give or take a year or two. Gamma Ray bursts occur naturally in the Galaxy due to events such as neutron star binary inspirals. These occur every million years or so and produce a gamma ray flux which exceed even the largest solar flares. The absorption of this radiation into our atmosphere will increase nitric oxide concentrations and greatly reduce ozone concentrations resulting in the extinction of life on Earth.
Christ’s return was being forecast even before the Bible had been written. During the year 53 a rumor spread like wildfire, amongst the Thessalonians, that the day of reckoning was about to happen and widespread panic ensued. In the year 234 A.D. theologian, and martyr Hippolytus prophesied that the appearance of the Antichrist which would be followed by the Lord’s return. He believed that the world had a life span of 6,000 years and since Adam was born 5,500 years before Christ then the world had a sell by date of 500A.D.On April 24-25, 1982, people around the world opened their morning newspaper to discover the rather disturbing headline announcing, "The Christ is Now Here!" and claiming that “Christ had returned to Earth in a materialized body in July, 1977, and has since been living among a group of Pakistani Indian immigrants in South London, England” Most folk just didn’t feel prepared for Judgment Day.
Fortunately these full-page adverts, placed by the New Age religious group TARA Center, were mere speculation and several months later, with the world still in one piece, the group announced that they “the delay was only because the consciousness of the human race was not quite right. "
The Jehovah's Witnesses predicted doomsday as 1984. However, as the got it wrong in 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1925 and1975 most folk could be forgiven for simply ignoring their warning As the end of the first millennium approached mass hysteria spread across the Christian world that the return of Christ was nigh. From beggar to king everyone believed that this would be the New Year party to end all parties and that Jesus would be guest of honor. During the year 1999 there was a sudden burst or religious fervor with people selling of their worldly possessions and giving the money to the poor. Criminals were released from prisons. Believing that this was their last days of their life people stopped planting crops, neglected their property and flocked in huge numbers of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem. Y2K brought a similar hysteria. If you divide 2000 by 3, you will get the devil's number 666.66666666666666666666. Coupled with the fact that all computers were probably going to crash on the stroke of midnight the end of the millennium was count down with considerable apprehension.
(Taken from Internet search on predictions for the end of the world.)
With all these predictions, how can one determine when the end of the world will be? An untold number of people have tried to predict the Lord's return by using elaborate time tables. Most date setters do not realize mankind has not kept an unwavering record of time. Anyone wanting to chart for example 100 BC to 2000 AD would have to contend with the fact 46 BC was 445 days long, there was no year 0 BC, and in 1582 we switched from Julian Years (360 days) to Gregorian (365 days). Because most prognosticators are not aware of all these errors, from the get go their math is already off by several years. Throughout the years there are over 220 dates predicted for the end of the world.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip. Let’s look to the Bible and see what is revealed about the end times and the end of the world.
Mark 8:39 to 9:1 - Jesus was referring to the "adulterous and sinful generation" who were alive in the early 1st century CE when these words were spoken. Jesus expected that some of his audience would be alive when the "Kingdom of God" came with power. The Kingdom of God came in power
when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and upon the Church of God.
Mark 13:30-33 – Matthew 24:34 Here Jesus is speaking of different things that are happening and to take note so to prepare one’s self for the day that is to come.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 - Here, Paul seems to be referring to himself and some of the recipients of his letter as being alive when Jesus returns. However, Paul’s thought is that of hope and comfort to the Thessalonians who may have heard of “end of the world” predictions and were afraid.
Paul goes on to tell the Christians in Thessalonica these words as recorded in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11. Paul urges the recipients of this news to be on guard at all times, because no one knows the expected time for the second coming to happen. It may happen in their lifetime.
Revelation 14:6-10 is another reference to the end times.
2 Peter 3:3-10 - Even though the end of the world signs are being fulfilled on every hand, multitudes of people scoff at the Bible and the idea that the end of the world as we know it is just about here.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 tells of the wickedness that continues to occur even in the end of time. Matthew 24-25 - Jesus gives all kinds of predictions of the end times to His disciples. All followers of Jesus are to take note of these. So what are we to make of all this? Simply put, no one knows the day nor the hour when the end of time will come. No one can predict the day of Judgment nor the return of the Son of Man. However, we are to be ready at every moment and trust in God, believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and be faithful servants throughout all our life. Whether we are alive or dead when the end of the world comes, the only real importance for the end of life
question is, “Did you believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him? Did you remain faithful even until death? Only then will you receive the crown of life!
(Revelation 2:10).
Nov 22, 2009
Pyramids in China
New evidences 2009
The "White Pyramid" discovered! It is the Maoling Mausoleum!
Original article from October 25, 2006 revised in Feb 2009
The "White Pyramid" discovered! It is the Maoling Mausoleum!
Original article from October 25, 2006 revised in Feb 2009
Since many years already in the popular scientific community and in publications there are many announcements and contentions of gigantic pyramids in China. The puzzle around the look-up seems final after new discoveries. With the help of Google Earth, the objects are to be seen impressively. It can not be maintained longer, there might be no pyramids in China.! They have four sides and they are even square like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. Its size can quite be matched with those of the Pharaons and of the Mexican rulers.
Already in 1912 of the two travel agents Fred Meyer Schroder and Oscar Maman reported of a tremendous building that they had seen in China."It was more eerie than if we had found them in the wilderness. Here they had been under the nose of the world, but unknown to the western countries... The big pyramid is about 1,000 feet high (other descriptions estimate 1,000 to 1,200 feet high) and roughly 1,500 feet at the base, which makes it twice as large as any pyramid in Egypt. The four faces of the structure are oriented with the compass points," the two travellers reported.
During the second world war, the pilot of the American Air Force, James Gaussman, with his co-pilot, flow - through a technical defect at his machine -, for several times over a specific territory in China. What he later reported sounds completely unbelievable: "I banked to avoid a mountain and we came out over a level valley. Directly below was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was encased in shimmering white. This could have been metal, or some sort of stone. It was pure white on all sides. The remarkable thing was the capstone, a huge piece of jewel-like material that could have been crystal. There was no way we could have landed, although we wanted to. We were struck by the immensity of the thing", the pilots reported.
On March 28, 1947 the "New York Times" reported about that discovery. In an interview with the newspaper, the former far east director of the Transworld Airlines, Maurice Sheahan, says he has seen 40 miles southwest of Xian a gigantic pyramid."I was impressed by its perfect pyramidal form and its great size," says Sheahan.
Later, on March 30, 1947 the "New York Sunday Times" take over the report and published at the first the photo, which is actually made in 1945 by Gaussman, and that was soon forgotten.
In 1978 the New Zealand researcher Bruce L. Cathie bothered itself of a clarification of the puzzle. According to some correspondence with the Chinese embassy and the US air force he kept up the photo of 1947. He published the picture later in the first edition of his book "The Bridge to Infinity" of 1983. According to the photograph and the reports, the New Zealand researcher estimate that the pyramid must have at their basis a length of 450 meters (1500 feet) and a height of about 300 meters (1000 feet). It is a pyramid with four flat trapezoid shaped sides, a square plateau on the top and a square base, like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. Such pyramids were up to now unknown to the experts in the western world and its existence was always denied: "There are no pyramids in China! Only pagodas - temple liked, peaked buildings", so the opinion of the world experts.
A comparison of a former satellite image of a pyramid in Shaanxi with the photo of 1947
found in the homepage of of November 2001.
I came to the "white pyramid" when I already read reports in specialized books before and then I saw the appropriate photograph in the book "The Face on Mars" of 1989 from the two Australian authors Brian Crowley and James J. Hurtak. Brian Crowley then sent a copy of the image in his book to me and then I passed it to Peter Krassa - a Austrian book author and China researcher. Later I published it in my German book "Das Marsgesicht" (The Face on Mars) of 1995.
I have left indeed Peter Krassa the photograph, but I wanted to however make and therefore prove attentive, that there are in fact pyramids in China. At the German edition "Ancient Skies", the journal of the "Ancient Astronaut Society", no. 6, 1991, I published a short report. One did not want to however publish the photograph of 1947. Gene Phillips, the founder of the mentioned society, has refused a report from me in the American journal of the Society - with the reason, the photograph could be "something doctored", somehow falsified. He considered the photograph for a forgery.
However, I was some extent amazed when I saw a German book in a bookshop in Hamburg, Germany - during a lecture trip - with the title "Die weisse Pyramide" (The white pyramid), written by Hartwig Hausdorf, he was until then completely unknown to me. The book appeared in 1994 and then I found out that Peter Krassa had made the photograph available to him - without my knowledge. However, Hartwig Hausdorf mentioned me in his book so the case is functional. Hartwig Hausdorf was very much strove anyway - and that was also my aim - for the thing and he has undertaken several China trips, around the report to go onto the basis. He found several pyramid mountains in China in fact and he has also published photographs from that. These were the first real evidence that there are pyramidal buildings in China exist. The "white pyramid" could constitute Hausdorf nonetheless not.
Bruce L. Cathie announces many details in its book "The bridge to Infinity" over pyramids in China and especially over the "white pyramid" - so too precise coordinate information. They should be had found north of the contemporary city Sian (Xi´an), by the foot of the river Wei-ho - exact at 34.26 degrees of northern width and 108.52 degrees of eastern length. This data were for me very helpful when I searched in September 2006, with "Google Earth" over China after the pyramids. This program was in the last years set up extended from Google into the Internet and one can recognize phantastic details of the Earth's surface, by means of satellite consumption - as e.g. too the mysterious lines in the plain of Nazca. The solution is not in all fields optimally, nevertheless mostly quite well.
According to some trouble I then kept up after the coordinate information of Bruce L. Cathie two pyramids. As result, I found further, more than twenty and bigger pyramids. They are square earth-pillars, constructed by Chinese craftsmen a long time ago very obviously. The professional world has therefore improper. There are indeed pyramids in China! Google Earth confirmed that again. The biggest one in this area is on 34.23 degrees North and 108.42 degrees East. The opinions diverge via the age of the pyramids. Some speak of 2500 to 3500 years. The legendary "Emperor of the prehistoric time" should at that time have been there.
The pyramids are in the province Shaanxi, north of the city Sian (Xi´an). On the satellite photographs of Google Earth, no "white pyramid" is to be recognized. Under the coordinates 34.26 degrees of North and 108.52 degrees East, two pyramids are visible, but however they are not identical to the photo from 1947. The pyramid lying a little southwest, in my opinion, comes onto 34.22 North most of all and 108.41 East, north of the small city Hsien-yang into consideration. An arrangement shows similar factors as on the photograph from 1947: A square plateau, grazes (excavations) on the sidewalls, similar ones walkways (streets) and in the background, a small settlement. But that pyramid is definitely not the "white pyramid".
The Maoling Mausoleum is the burial site of Emperor Wu Di. (Image:
In some Internet pages (Chris Maier) and in the homepage of wikipedia, the Maoling mausoleum is compared with the "white pyramid". And that is in actual fact correct. Already on former satellite images which were published in the homepage of of November 2001, that is to be recognized. With Google Earth, this pyramid - although at present another with bad resolution - is it to be seen also. They lies west of the pyramids of Hsien-yang, close to the city Xianyang, on 30.20 degrees North and 108.34 degrees East.
The "white pyramid" needs not to be a tremendous mystic building. The pilots and the travel agents to see the Maoling mausoleum, with his size - according to the measurements via Google Earth - of about 222 to 217 meters on the ground and his height of about 46 meters, can quite have appeared below glistening sunlight glimmering and quite big. No other pyramid in this area is so big. Only the one on 34.23 North and 108.42 East, which has a size of 219 to 230 meters on the ground. The well known Shi Huang-ti Mausoleum, situated 50 kilometers East, has a size of 357 to 354 meters on the base and the whole complex has a size of 488 to 581 meters. But that grave mountain is actually a square mound and not a pyramid. Attainable is the area near Hsien-yang over the city Xi´an (Sian) obvious the airport that Hartwig Hausdorf with some traveling companions already used in 1994. They could for instance constitute seventeen pyramids within a radius of about three kilometers and they estimated its heights at sixty to seventy meters.
This new 3d image of the Maoling Mausoleum
shows the same characteristics as the image of 1947
shows the same characteristics as the image of 1947
Nov 15, 2009

The marks often bleed or secrete a liquid, and can appear and disappear in a matter of hours. It is usually only saints and the most devoutly religious who experience stigmata. It not only leaves a physical representation of Christ’s wounds, but stigmatics often feel pain near the marks, and many report a lifelong sense of despair and suffering. Some even feel the lashing of whips across their backs. Religious followers believe that the pain is an integral part of stigmata.
The first celebrated stigmatic was Saint Francis of Assisi. His holy marks appeared in 1222 and were of an extent never subsequently equalled. The skin on his hands and feet actually grew out of the wounds to form calluses in the shape of nails. Since his time, there have been over three hundred reported stigmatics, sixty-two of which were saints. Georgio Bongiavani is one of the most well known recent sufferers of stigmata. In his case, wounds on his hands and forehead seem to appear and disappear almost at will. The explanation for stigmata is still a mystery. Doctors have recorded that blood secreted by the wounds is a different type to the stigmatic’s blood group or is an unknown liquid, or even exudes a perfume.
In 1275, a Cistercian nun named Elizabeth received stigmata on her forehead, representing Christ’s crown of thorns, after she witnessed a vision of the Crucifixion. Church tradition has it that St. Catherine of Siena (1347–1380) was visited with the marks of Christ’s suffering, but through her great humility she prayed that they might become invisible, and, though the pain of the wounds remained, her entreaty was granted and the blood no longer flowed. The Catholic Encyclopedia states that the suffering that stigmatics endure is the “essential part of visible stigmata; the substance of this grace consists of pity for Christ, participation in his sufferings, sorrows, and for the same end—the expiation of the sins unceasingly committed in the world.” If the stigmatics did not suffer, the wounds would be “but an empty symbol, theatrical representation, conducing to pride.” And if the stigmata truly issue from God, it would be unworthy of his wisdom to participate in such futility, “and to do so by a miracle.” While not yet blessed with sainthood, Padre Pio (1887–1968), one of the most wellknown stigmatics of the twentieth century, saw a vision of a mysterious person whose hands, feet, and side were dripping blood on August 20, 1918.
After Padre Pio was delivered from such a terrifying sight, the priest suffered the first of the stigmata which would cause his wounds to bleed daily for 50 years. Therese Neumann (1898–1962) was also a stigmatic who became familiar to the general public. Born between Good Friday and Easter at Konnersreuth, Bavaria, Neumann suffered a series of serious accidents that brought blindness, convulsions, and paralysis. Her eyesight was restored on the day of the beatification of St. Therese of Lisieux (1873–1897), April 29, 1923, and on the day of St. Therese’s canonization on May 17, 1925, her mobility returned. Then, after a vision of Jesus on March 4, 1926, the stigmata began, and she would suffer bleeding from all the wounds, including shoulders and knees, on Fridays, especially during the church season of Lent. It is claimed that from Christmas 1926 until her death in 1962, Neumann didn’t eat or drink anything except daily Communion.
For those saints who were also stigmatics or for those stigmatics who may be authentic, the church has issued three qualifications regarding the production of the phenomena on their bodies:
1. Physicians could not succeed in curing the wounds with their remedies.
2. Unlike long-lasting wounds in others, those of stigmatics give off no foul or fetid odor.
3. Sometimes the wounds of the stigmatics emit the odor of perfumes.
In April 1998, various media carried the story of a priest who began to manifest stigmata in his side, hands, and feet while serving a parish in Antigua, West Indies. Reverend Gerard Critch was flown to New York to be treated by medical specialists. Dr. Joseph John was quoted as saying that no treatment he had given Critch had worked or been effective. According to Critch’s parishioners, they were thrown to the floor by an invisible force or felt their injuries healed when he blessed them. R. Allen Stanford, a banker from the United States who flew Critch to New York City on his private jet, said that oil was oozing from the marks on the priest’s feet, as it did from Jesus. “The wounds were real,” Stanford said (Evening Telegram, April 11, 1998).
The Roman Catholic Church does not see the onset of stigmata as bringing with it any increase of holiness, so its clergy recognizes the real possibility of conscious or unconscious fraud in some of the cases of stigmata reported almost annually. The church also acknowledges the role that psychosomatic medicine might play in explaining many instances of the spontaneous wounds that mimic those of Christ’s Crucifixion. A popular theory is that stigmata are psychosomatic afflictions brought on by extreme levels of worship. Some believe stigmatics unconsciously bring about these wounds by their devotion to Christ. Many stigmatics have reported their wounds appearing in their greatest intensity around the holy days of Easter, when sufferers are most engrossed by religious events. Similarly, each stigmatic’s wounds generally correspond to the marks on the statue of the person they most often worship. If the statue is nailed through the wrist and ankles, their wounds appear in the wrist and ankles. But of course, there is another theory: that stigmata are sent by God as a gift to only the most holy.
(Source : Wikipedia; The Most Strangest Mysteries; Encyclopedia of Unusual and Unexplained Things)
(Pic source :
The Mayan Calender
Strange as it may seem, the Mayan calendar may have played an influential role in the culture’s decline. The calendar was used for prophecy, as well as marking the date. The Mayan calendar begins with a date relative to 3114 B.C.E., when, according to the Mayans, the world began and the first Great Cycle got underway. Thirteen future cycles were recognized, and bad things often happened at the end of such cycles. For example, one cycle ended during the 500s, at about the same time that the city of Tikal went into decline.
Another decline occurred in Tikal 256 years later, also at the end of a Great Cycle, and the city was all but abandoned. Whatever happened to the Mayans was an event of such magnitude that it caused a fracture in the long-standing practices and social order of the entire culture. The great cities continued to be occupied for decades after the hieroglyphics stopped reporting triumphs, and then the majestic temples, stately pyramids, and massive edifices were abandoned completely to the surrounding jungle.
Translation of Mayan Calendar
Whether or not the unknown dire events were prophesied or became self-fulfilling prophecies by the belief of a superstitious people accepting their fate is not known. According to Mayan prophecy, the end of the most current Great Cycle —2012— will end with a cataclysmic flood.
(Source : Encyclopedia of Unusual and Unexplained Things)
666, what exactly it is??

However, contemporary popes have wielded little political influence, surely none that would place them in world-threatening positions. There have been such men as Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), who actually appeared to covet and campaign for the position by calling himself the Beast and 666. Hollywood has capitalized on the fascination of certain Christians and horror movie fans with the menacing evil of the Antichrist and depicted him in a number of motion pictures. In Rosemary’s Baby (1968), an unsuspecting young wife (Mia Farrow) is selected to bear the Antichrist after her husband (John Cassavetes) makes a pact with Satan. The Omen (1976) spawned a series of three films that follow the Antichrist from early childhood to his position of wealth, power, and charismatic mastery as an adult. In the first of these films, Gregory Peck, as the unsuspecting surrogate father of the Antichrist, is warned of his son’s true identity by a number of priests and other individuals who all meet untimely warnings as the babble of the demented, he is later shocked to discover the numerals “666” on his son’s scalp and he resolves to do whatever must be done to stop Satan’s will from being accomplished. In spite of a valiant effort on the part of the father, who now concludes rightfully that his true son was killed and supplanted by the disciples of the Antichrist, the demon seed continues his destructive path to world domination in two additional films.
In the The Chosen (1977), Kirk Douglas plays another unaware father, an industrialist specializing in building nuclear power plants, who comes to realize that his son (Simon Ward) is the Antichrist. In Lost Souls (2000), a devout teacher played by Winona Ryder must convince an unsuspecting young journalist that he is the Antichrist before the fated hour when his newly awakened demonic awareness will seize control of his consciousness. Arnold Schwarzenegger is challenged by the almost impossible mission of preventing Satan (Gabriel Byrne) from fathering the Antichrist in End of Days (2000). In Stigmata (2000), Byrne switches sides and plays a priest who fights to thwart satanic interference toward a young stigmatist, a woman who bears the bleeding wounds of Christ’s crucifixion. Bless the Child (2000) portrays a desperate mother (Kim Basinger) who must somehow prevent her specially gifted and blessed child from becoming the human sacrifice that would grant the Antichrist his full-powered entry into the world.
Christians who believe completely that the end times drama will play out according to certain scriptural references maintain a wary eye for signs of the Antichrist and the onset of the Apocalypse, but not all Christians accept the warnings of the advent of the Beast with his telltale numerical designation of 666 or believe that the traditional scenario of the Antichrist and his seven-year reign has any real relevance to the actual “signs in the sky” that will precede the Second Coming of Christ. In today’s world the term “antichrist” lost much of its power to provoke fear after the concept entered the popular mass culture.
For millions of modern secular men and women, the Beast 666 has become merely a sinister, but always defeated, villain in horror movies, and his once dreaded title is often loosely applied in an offhanded manner to everything from cartoon figures to a wide range of men and women in a vast spectrum of modern society. In the Bible, the Book of Revelation (13:17-18) cryptically asserts 666 to be "the number of a man," associated with the beast, an antagonistic creature that appears briefly about two-thirds into the apocalyptic vision.
The author challenges the reader to figure out the symbolism of this number, a challenge that has inspired mystics and would-be prophets ever since. It is assumed by many biblical scholars to refer to Emperor Nero. The number is arrived at by presenting Nero's name in Greek (Kaisar Neron) and transforming it into Hebrew whose letters also have a numeric value. The number of people who have been proposed to be the man whose number is 666 is vast and ever growing; it usually does not demand much ingenuity to find several ways to connect one's political or religious opponent with the number 666, since there is no biblical restriction on how a connection between a man and the number may be established.
In modern popular culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist or, alternately, the Devil. Earnest references to 666 occur both among apocalypticist Christian groups and in explicitly anti-Christian subcultures such as that surrounding some heavy metal bands. An appearance of the number 666 in contemporary Western art or literature is more likely than not an intentional reference to this number of the Beast symbolism. Such popular references to 666 are too numerous to list here. It is not uncommon to see the symbolic role of the integer 666 transferred to the digit sequence 6-6-6. Some people take the satanic associations of 666 so seriously that they actively avoid things related to 666 or the digits 6-6-6. This is known as hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. Until now that number has a lot of interpretation, is it a satanic symbol or its just a number? No one knows. The truth is out there...
(Taken from many sources)
WR-104, is it a real threat to earth?
What is WR-104?
Mainly taken from wikipedia(some parts are edited)
WR 104 is a Wolf-Rayet star located 8000 light years from Earth. It is a binary star with a class OB companion. The stars have an orbital period of 220 days and the interaction between their stellar winds produce a spiral “pinwheel” outflow pattern. WR 104’s rotational axis is aligned within 16° of Earth. This could have potential implications to the effects of WR 104’s eventual supernova, since these explosions often produce jets from their rotational poles. It is possible that WR 104 may even produce a gamma ray burst (GRB), though it is not possible to predict with certainty at this time.
What is a WR star?
Wolf-Rayet stars (often referred to as WR stars) are evolved, massive stars (over 20 solar masses), and are losing their mass rapidly by means of a very strong stellar wind, with speeds up to 2000 km/s. Wolf-Rayet stars are a normal stage in the evolution of very massive stars, in which strong, broad emission lines of helium and nitrogen (”WN” sequence) or helium, carbon, and oxygen (”WC” sequence) are visible.
What’s the matter with WR-104?
The problem with WR-104 is that it is possible for a Wolf-Rayet star to progress to a “collapsar” stage in its death throes: This is when the core of the star collapses to form a black hole, pulling in the surrounding material. This is thought to be the precursor of a long gamma-ray burst(GBR for the rest of the article). That ain’t really a problem itself, the real deal is that the Earth is in the sight of that star and a GBR could possibly be aimed at Earth. Consequences of a GBR hitting Earth are mainly related to global impacts on the biosphere and climate-change triggered by the large dose of radiation.
So the GBR would be pointing at us?
A GBR is not like a laser beam with a clear target. It’s true that the Earth is in the line of “possible” danger, but we have to take in consideration how wide is the GRB. WR 104’s rotational axis is aligned within 16° of Earth and a typical GBR is about 2-20° wide. So, we are not in the comfort zone, but Earth is not a clear target. Remember that we deal with such big distances (8,000 light years), so even 0.1° can make a huge difference in terms of distance. In space, close to Earth can be considered as thousands of kilometers, so we have to keep that in mind.
When will it explode?
I’m not going to lie here just to please people: We don’t know when it is going to explode. Peter Tuthill, professor at the University of Sydney have studied the case since the star was discovered in 2000 and suggest that the star will explode within the next few hundred thousand years. Here’s what he officially says:
The WC spectrum Wolf-Rayet component of the binary should explode sometime within the next few hundred thousand years. To an astronomer, this is the last known stable phase in the life of these massive stars, and it could go anytime. I know of no way to predict this more accurately. The other component, the supergiant O/B star, likely has a much longer fuse than this, and for the rest of this discussion I focus mainly on the WR component.
The WC spectrum analysis is the analysis of the star’s helium, carbon, and oxygen emission. By analyzing this spectrum, you can determine at what stage or phase the star is in. As Tuthill says, it’s the last known stable phase in the life of these massive stars and it could go anytime.
What if it explode?
Well, if it explode tomorrow, we’re safe. The star is 8,000 light years away from Earth and one light year is the distance the light would travel in one year, which is extremely far. So, with gamma rays also traveling at the speed of light, we are looking at 8,000 years for a GRB to hit us. We are safe on that point.
What if it already exploded?
The problem is that when we look at the stars we look back in time. If the star is 8,000 light years away from us, it means what we see now is what the star was looking like 8,000 years ago. So, if the star can explode at any time with the data we have and it’s 8,000 years old data, the star could have already exploded right? Yes, I’m not going to lie to you about that. This means if the star exploded 7,999 years ago, we would know next year. We would know in the case that the burst hit us and it’s very unlikely.
What are your thoughts?
Honestly, I will sleep tonight and you should do the same without worrying too much. Like Phil Plait from said :
So if it’s less than 10,000 years from exploding and if it blows up as a GRB and if it’s aimed at us and if there isn’t much junk between us and it, then yeah, we may have a problem. But that’s an awful lot of ifs.
There’s way too much ifs to conclude on a theory. It could explode tomorrow, in two hundred thousand years or have already exploded. The GRB might hit Earth as it might not at all and there’s lot of stuff in that 8,000 light years distance that could interfere. The theory is not strong enough to clearly say we are 100% safe and it’s ain’t defined enough to conclude on something. There’s way too much things to worry about in this life, don’t worry about that. Trust me WR-104 is one of the star we know of but there are possibly other stars that could pose a threat to Earth we are just not aware of. I’d say worry about your everyday life, not what’s happening 8,000 years away.
How universe really started and will it finally end?
The universe started with a big bang no doubt starting an expansion cycle that will last for trillions of years. The universe is in its infancy. The universe really had sprung from an initial Big Bang some 15 billion years ago. The matter isn''t spread evenly through the modern universe. Galaxies tend to huddle relatively close to one another, dozens or even hundreds of them in clumps known as clusters and superclusters. In between, there is essentially nothing at all.
But the bigger question is how will it end? According to the conventional science, by the time the universe is 1 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years old, the black holes themselves will disintegrate into stray particles, which will bind loosely to form individual "atoms" larger than the size of today's universe. Eventually, even these will decay, leaving a featureless, infinitely large void. But that theory is being challenged now.
According to some scientists, the reverse big bang can happen anytime now. The reverse big bag will create a massive implosion that will everything bring back to a point source. The big happen will happen again. The contraction and expansion cycle is happening for an infinite time.
To keep time and space continuum intact, the next expansion will happen with the exact same happening that happened this time. That means we will be living our living again and again for millions of time to come. Can there be even a slight variation in the next expansion after the next big bang? Not quite, say scientists, unless something we just cannot conceive intervenes.
We live the same again and again. That is why it is so important we live it right the first time.
But the bigger question is how will it end? According to the conventional science, by the time the universe is 1 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years old, the black holes themselves will disintegrate into stray particles, which will bind loosely to form individual "atoms" larger than the size of today's universe. Eventually, even these will decay, leaving a featureless, infinitely large void. But that theory is being challenged now.
According to some scientists, the reverse big bang can happen anytime now. The reverse big bag will create a massive implosion that will everything bring back to a point source. The big happen will happen again. The contraction and expansion cycle is happening for an infinite time.
To keep time and space continuum intact, the next expansion will happen with the exact same happening that happened this time. That means we will be living our living again and again for millions of time to come. Can there be even a slight variation in the next expansion after the next big bang? Not quite, say scientists, unless something we just cannot conceive intervenes.
We live the same again and again. That is why it is so important we live it right the first time.
Web Bot - What is it? Can this web program predict stuff?whats the relation with 2012?
There’s been some sort of hype lately regarding the Web Bots and I’m really surprised there’s almost no information about it available. The Web Bot project was developed in the late 1990s mainly to predict the stock market ups and downs (Web bot and stock markets). How do they do it? It’s really simple in fact and it’s a very nice implementation of what search engines do. Web bots simply crawl the web the same way Google crawls it at regular intervals to catch new and existing web sites and detect relevant keywords. Web Bots do it just a little differently: While search engines are just “indexing” the Web and creating a Web directory, Web bots are looking for trends with the keyword relations they find. It search for keywords “standing out” in a web document but also take in consideration the content preceding and following the keyword. This data is then analyzed by a linguistic tool to determine the meaning if there’s any.
So does it work and are Web Bots reliable? well it’s kind of hit and miss. Sometimes you’ll see things predicted correctly and sometimes not. I think the project is a really good initiative and can lead to great things, but at the moment I’m more under the impression that they interpret the results in the same way we interpret Nostradamus Quatrains. What I mean is that what the Web Bots are getting out of the internet while crawling is not that clear and when an event happen a couple of days later, then we find a way to relate the data.
Being in the computer engineering domain, I think I can see where the Web Bots will succeed and where it will fail. There are fields I believe the Web Bots can predict stuff and there are field they can’t. What are these fields? Well, essentially, anything “man-made” could be predicted in some way and anything man has no control over can’t be predicted. This is for the plain and simple reason that the Web Bots crawl the Internet for data and the Internet is actually man-made. So, the only data that can be collected is data written by people/government/companies,etc. I don’t see how you can predict a natural disaster or anything like that by simply crawling the Web. The only thing you can get by crawling is facts or opinions, nothing else. The only way I can see predicting natural disasters or anything not man related is if the Web Bots actually crawls 3 000 blogs/websites written by specialists of a certain domain and that they are pointing towards a similar conclusion.
What about 2012 (Read my article on 2012) and the Web Bots? As I said, I’m not seeing how a computer can figure out what’s going to happen in 2012 simply by visiting websites published by real people. The more data Web Bots get pointing towards 2012 just means more and more people are publishing stuff about 2012 and the end of the world. Remember, the only thing they can crawl is the internet and what you find on the internet was created by real persons, not God. They will surely get a strong correlation between 2012 and the end of the world; there’s ton of websites talking about it.
So, can Web Bots predict stuff? Yes I believe it can and it’s a really nice piece of technology. I’m pretty sure preventing terrorists attacks can be done using Web Bots and also predicting anything involving human interaction. Remember, it crawls the web, written by humans so it can only predict what humans are able to predict: Just in a shorter time frame! I think it’s easy to fall into the “It can predict everything” stuff, so let’s say it’s a really nice technology which can help us predict things we wouldn’t normally see happening. There’s a lot of future in that field and it has to be pushed a lot more forward. A good project, with good potential, but be careful with what people say it predicted!
So does it work and are Web Bots reliable? well it’s kind of hit and miss. Sometimes you’ll see things predicted correctly and sometimes not. I think the project is a really good initiative and can lead to great things, but at the moment I’m more under the impression that they interpret the results in the same way we interpret Nostradamus Quatrains. What I mean is that what the Web Bots are getting out of the internet while crawling is not that clear and when an event happen a couple of days later, then we find a way to relate the data.
Being in the computer engineering domain, I think I can see where the Web Bots will succeed and where it will fail. There are fields I believe the Web Bots can predict stuff and there are field they can’t. What are these fields? Well, essentially, anything “man-made” could be predicted in some way and anything man has no control over can’t be predicted. This is for the plain and simple reason that the Web Bots crawl the Internet for data and the Internet is actually man-made. So, the only data that can be collected is data written by people/government/companies,etc. I don’t see how you can predict a natural disaster or anything like that by simply crawling the Web. The only thing you can get by crawling is facts or opinions, nothing else. The only way I can see predicting natural disasters or anything not man related is if the Web Bots actually crawls 3 000 blogs/websites written by specialists of a certain domain and that they are pointing towards a similar conclusion.
What about 2012 (Read my article on 2012) and the Web Bots? As I said, I’m not seeing how a computer can figure out what’s going to happen in 2012 simply by visiting websites published by real people. The more data Web Bots get pointing towards 2012 just means more and more people are publishing stuff about 2012 and the end of the world. Remember, the only thing they can crawl is the internet and what you find on the internet was created by real persons, not God. They will surely get a strong correlation between 2012 and the end of the world; there’s ton of websites talking about it.
So, can Web Bots predict stuff? Yes I believe it can and it’s a really nice piece of technology. I’m pretty sure preventing terrorists attacks can be done using Web Bots and also predicting anything involving human interaction. Remember, it crawls the web, written by humans so it can only predict what humans are able to predict: Just in a shorter time frame! I think it’s easy to fall into the “It can predict everything” stuff, so let’s say it’s a really nice technology which can help us predict things we wouldn’t normally see happening. There’s a lot of future in that field and it has to be pushed a lot more forward. A good project, with good potential, but be careful with what people say it predicted!
Nov 14, 2009
nostradamus prophecy

In 1555, at the age of 52, Nostradamus wrote his first set of prophecies, a collection of 100 "quatrains" known as a "century." (A quatrain is simply a poem with four lines.) In 1564, Nostradamus was appointed as Royal Physician to King Charles IX. During the next several years, until his death in 1566, Nostradamus wrote ten centuries of prophecies.
Nostradamus Prophecy - Some Famous Examples
Nostradamus prophecy was written primarily in French, although he threw in some Latin, Greek and Italian to murk some meanings. He also used other devices to obscure his quatrains, including symbols, metaphors and purposely-misspelled words. Most interestingly, many of the so-called Nostradamus prophecies circulating today are merely urban legends -- often his original quatrains are cut and splice to sound good after major world events. For instance, shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks in the U.S., a large number of alleged Nostradamus prophecies began circulating the Internet and news media. Here are a few of them:
Nostradamus Prophecy - Some Famous Examples
Nostradamus prophecy was written primarily in French, although he threw in some Latin, Greek and Italian to murk some meanings. He also used other devices to obscure his quatrains, including symbols, metaphors and purposely-misspelled words. Most interestingly, many of the so-called Nostradamus prophecies circulating today are merely urban legends -- often his original quatrains are cut and splice to sound good after major world events. For instance, shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks in the U.S., a large number of alleged Nostradamus prophecies began circulating the Internet and news media. Here are a few of them:
- "In the year of the new century and nine months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror... The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city..."
- In the city of York there will be a great collapse, two twin brothers torn apart by chaos while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- "It has been foreseen that exactly three hundred and fifty years into the future, Silver phoenixes shall strike down the twin brothers of oppression That carried the king's nation, which shall bring upon the apocalypse. In the City of God there will be a great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos"
Will the comet hit Greece and create huge tsunami? Planet X Nibiru, if really exists and approaching, can be a big threat to the earth and its people. Michel de Nostredame predicted some kind of huge space collision that will occur around year 2000. Will the comet or asteroid really fall in the aegean sea (Greece) and huge tsunami will hit the mount Olympus (2917 metres high). If he is right and mayans as well, it looks like the end of the world is really close.
According to prophet, there will be many disasters and wars near year 2000. Today, in 2009, you can say, he was right. War in middle east continues and it doesn't look, it will stop in near future. Conflict will more likely spread into the Iran. Plans are already prepared. We are just waiting for final decision.
Nostradamus predicted world war 3 with Iran - Check Israel Iran war in news
Many prophets were talking about big armed conflict. Even bigger and more devastating then world war 2 - will ww3 turn into nuclear apocalypse? Nostradamus predicted war with "camels". We all know, what this means. In many of his quatrains, he wrote, that camel will come to drink from Danube (european river). But, there are no camels in the europe. Only those in the ZOO. When somebody says camel, i see pyramids and Egypt. And who lives in Egypt together with camels? Israel is now in secret war with Iran and Israeli ambassador speaks on camera about war against Iran, not in 2012, but during spring 2009. Check for Iran Israel in news section here on nostradamus2012.
Source : All About Popular Issues
According to prophet, there will be many disasters and wars near year 2000. Today, in 2009, you can say, he was right. War in middle east continues and it doesn't look, it will stop in near future. Conflict will more likely spread into the Iran. Plans are already prepared. We are just waiting for final decision.
Nostradamus predicted world war 3 with Iran - Check Israel Iran war in news
Many prophets were talking about big armed conflict. Even bigger and more devastating then world war 2 - will ww3 turn into nuclear apocalypse? Nostradamus predicted war with "camels". We all know, what this means. In many of his quatrains, he wrote, that camel will come to drink from Danube (european river). But, there are no camels in the europe. Only those in the ZOO. When somebody says camel, i see pyramids and Egypt. And who lives in Egypt together with camels? Israel is now in secret war with Iran and Israeli ambassador speaks on camera about war against Iran, not in 2012, but during spring 2009. Check for Iran Israel in news section here on nostradamus2012.
Source : All About Popular Issues
the lost continent- ATLANTIS

Over 11,000 years ago there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic ocean populated by a noble and powerful race. The people of this land possessed great wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade and commerce. The rulers of this land held sway over the people and land of their own island and well into Europe and Africa.
This was the island of Atlantis.
Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her.
This was the island of Atlantis.
Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her.
Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys who became the first rulers of Atlantis. The island was divided among the brothers with the eldest, Atlas, first King of Atlantis, being given control over the central hill and surrounding areas.

At the top of the central hill, a temple was built to honor Poseidon which housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses. It was here that the rulers of Atlantis would come to discuss laws, pass judgments, and pay tribute to Poseidon.
To facilitate travel and trade, a water canal was cut through of the rings of land and water running south for 5.5 miles (~9 km) to the sea.
The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water and spread across the plain covering a circle of 11 miles (1.7 km). This was a densely populated area where the majority of the population lived.
Beyond the city lay a fertile plain 330 miles (530 km) long and 110 miles (190 km) wide surrounded by another canal used to collect water from the rivers and streams of the mountains. The climate was such that two harvests were possible each year. One in the winter fed by the rains and one in the summer fed by irrigation from the canal.
Surrounding the plain to the north were mountains which soared to the skies. Villages, lakes, rivers, and meadows dotted the mountains.
Besides the harvests, the island provided all kinds of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An abundance of animals, including elephants, roamed the island.
For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them. When Zeus saw the immorality of the Atlanteans he gathered the other gods to determine a suitable punishment.
Soon, in one violent surge it was gone. The island of Atlantis, its people, and its memory were swallowed by the sea.
(This is a summary of the story told by Plato around 360 BC in his dialogues Timaeus & Critias. These writings of Plato are the only specific known references to Atlantis. They have prompted controversy and debate for over two thousand years)
PLATO a Greek philosopher (427-347 B.C.) Note: Dates are approximate, there is some uncertainty as to his birth and death
Plato was a student of Socrates until the latter's death in 399 BC at the hands of the Athenian authorities. After his teacher's death, Plato traveled extensively, including journeys in Egypt.
In 387 BC he returned to Athens and founded the Academy, a school of science and philosophy, that became the model for the modern university. Perhaps the most famous student of the Academy was Aristotle whose teachings have had tremendous impact on philosophy through today.
Due to the Academy's safekeeping, many of Plato's works have survived. His extant writings are in the form of letters and dialogues, the most famous of which is probably The Republic. His writings cover subjects ranging from knowledge to happiness to politics to nature.
Are reptoids real ?
Reptoids, or reptilian humanoids, are almost an article of faith among many ufologists and investigators of the paranormal. They are depicted as ranging from slightly smaller than an average man to a height of up to 12 feet, and reputedly have clawed hands and feet, and scaly, often green skin. Some, but not all, have tails. Many wear hooded robes like monks. There are even a few reports of reptoids with horns and wings, resembling the popular image of demons. It is interesting to note, by the way, that observers have reported an immense variety of "aliens" and cryptoids, but reports of classic demons are very, very rare. Reptoids have been reported by some ufo abductees, and there are reports of such creatures wandering about the Earth, usually in swamps, when no ufo is observed. Yet there is no convincing proof, and relatively little evidence, that they even exist. Understand what I am saying here. I am not saying that they do not, or cannot exist. It is impossible to prove a negative proposition, and I know better than to try. As a ufo abductee myself, and having had numerous seemingly paranormal experiences, I am not one to scoff at people who report such things. I am simply saying that the evidence for reptoids is weak.
Author and researcher John Rhodes believes that reptoids are real, and that they may have evolved from some kind of small, running dinosaur. He has proposed that, in response to some past cataclysm, their ancestors long ago retreated underground, and that some of them may have emigrated to other planets, or even to parallel universes. Some other researchers have suggested that these intelligent dinosaurs may have evolved in Antarctica when the Earth was much warmer than today, and moved underground to escape the long Antarctic night. But, if so, how would they have survived underground prior to their development of technology? And why is there nothing anywhere in the fossil record to show the evolution of such creatures? Having met and spoken with John Rhodes, I am convinced that he is an intelligent and honorable researcher. But still there is no proof of the reptoids' existence.
Supposedly there are extensive legends among many cultures of the existence of reptoids. But a careful study of the legends shows that they almost never contain any unambigous description of reptoids. Most appear to refer to dragons and to "serpents" (possibly in reality a referral to dragons) as tutelary spirits. This is a major, major mystery in its own right, and worthy of a separate article (entire books have been written on the subject). The Book of Genesis in the Bible describes the "serpent" (never identified with Satan, by the way) as being the giver of wisdom, having the power of speech, and not being shaped like a legless ground crawler (until God cursed it). People have assumed that this implied that the serpent was a reptoid, but the Bible never describes it. Some researchers have cited the Nagas of Hindu myth, claiming that these were reptoids from underground. But Hindu legends merely state that some of them can take on a human (not reptoid) form more or less at will. Otherwise they appear as great serpents, and are described as nature spirits of springs and wells (like dragons). Most are benevolent (like Chinese dragons) and a few are malevolent (like the post-Christian dragons of European lore). The Nagas do not always live underground; they are often described as creatures of the sea.
A side issue is the ambiguity of the tutelary spirits. Prometheus in Greek myth was a friend of humanity, giving us the gift of fire, for which he was horribly punished by Zeus, who wanted people to remain weak and ignorant. The Biblical serpent brought hardship and death to humanity. But knowledge is, after all, ambiguous in itself, and technology brings instruments of destruction as well as tools for prosperity.
The nephilim or giants of the Old Testament are often cited as reptilians, but nowhere are they described as such. In Genesis, a class of fallen angels mated with human women who gave birth to a race of giants. Again, this is a mystery in itself, but there is nothing to connect the Nephilim with reptoids. The feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan of Mesoamerica is described as either a man or something resembling a dragon, and, in legend, came from and returned to the Caribbean. But he was not described as a reptoid. Oriental kings and emperors claimed descent from dragons, and King Arthur's father in the British myth was Uther Pendragon, and let us not forget the inspiration for the Dracula story, Vlad Dracul. But there is a world of difference between dragons and reptoids.
On 6/29/88 sixteen year old Christopher Davis, driving near the Scape Ore Swamp in Lee County, South Carolina,reported to local police that he had been attacked by a seven foot tall reptoid with scaly, green skin, three fingers and three toes on each hand and foot, and glowing (or reflecting) red eyes. His car mirror was damaged and there were scratch marks on the top of his car. Several other people in the area made similar reports, and several more cars were damaged. Sheriff's deputies found three toed tracks. This is probably the strongest evidence anywhere for a reptoid. Skeptics would claim that the glowing red eyes often reported by people claiming encounters with cryptoids are inspired by popular fiction...but could not the reverse be true? Yet, strong as the Lee County evidence is, it does not prove the existence of a race (physical or paranormal) of reptoids. John Keel and other researchers have catalogued a vast and bewildering array of truly frightening creatures reported by a great variety of people. We are either sharing this world with a variety of monsters, or one or a few beings are capable of shape shifting...and/or projecting an image directly into our minds. This may be particularly true in ufo encounters, and a very real encounter with the paranormal may be interpreted in terms of our expectations. Reptoids, grays, the Mothman, etc., may have a very different appearance from what is reported, or even be invisible to the eye... perhaps they are directly perceived by the mind.
There have been other reports of reptoids, usually near water. Note that ufos also are often seen hovering over bodies of water, or entering or leaving it. There may, for all we know, be alien bases on the sea floor...or perhaps water, with its many mysterious attributes, may facilitate paranormal manifestations or travel between worlds. Teenagers on Vancouver Island in 8/72 reported being chased by an apparently aquatic reptoid near Thetis Lake. In 1955 a businessman in Loveland, Ohio reported seeing several four foot tall green bipeds with webbed hands and feet, and said that one held what appeared to be a metal bar that emitted sparks.
Numerous alleged abductees have reported reptoids, but an even greater number have reported grays,insectoids, giants, dwarves, creatures resembling Sasquatch, and tall blonds who appeared to be completely human. Are we to believe that Earth is being regularly visited by hordes of beings from many different worlds, all of whom have nothing better to do than conduct endless medical tests and geological studies, ask idiotic questions and give us equally idiotic advice? Or is it not more likely, as author and researcher John Keel has theorized, that many of the encounters are with deceitful spirits who project images directly into the human mind?
And perhaps we sometimes have an innate tendency to see the entities as reptoids, possibly due to our natural fear of crocodiles and snakes. It may have something to do with the fact that we share with reptiles the R-complex portion of our brain, supposedly responsible for much of our agression, territoriality, and love of ritual.
Author David Icke has carried the idea of reptoids further than almost anyone, claiming that members of the elite, including England's Royals, are reptoids disguised as humans, or reptoid/human hybrids. Those of us who have studied the New World Order conspiracy have no problem believing the worst of certain powerful people, but humans cannot even interbreed with most other mammals. How could we breed with reptiles or with creatures from another planet? Perhaps the elite bloodlines are prone to demonic possession and psychically sensitive people can perceive the demons and for some reason see them as reptoids. But, again, where is the proof? Icke relies heavily upon the testimony of people like Arizona Wilder and Cathy O'Brien, who claim to be victims of mind control. There is no doubt that the elites have investigated mind control, but, if Wilder and O'Brien were mind controlled, how do we know that they are not still being controlled and feeding us disinformation? Would not the elites have simply had them killed if they truly broke free and were revealing the innermost secrets of our rulers? Alternatively, if they were never mind controlled, everything they have said is untrue.
Reality may be stranger and more complex than that. Most of us have been brainwashed into accepting the philosophy of materialism, which insists that there is no God, no afterlife, only mass/energy/space/time, the observable, measurable physical universe, and that mind is merely a secondary manifestation, with the brain being a sort of electrochemical computer. But there is a competing philosophy. Idealists assert that mind/thought/spirit is the prime reality, and that the physical universe is but a great thought. If so, reality may be, not binary (real/unreal) but analog, with varying degrees and kinds of reality. In such a universe there is room for a great many strange things...even reptoids.
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