The Quran is a unique book in that it offers falsification tests.
One - The Quran is the only scripture to assert that there is no
contradiction in it. Indeed, close examination fails to reveal one single
contradiction in the Book.
2:176 … God has revealed the Book in absolute truth; therein is no
contradiction. …
4:82 Will they not then, try to understand this Quran? If it were from other
than God they would have found in it much contradiction and
Two - It also challenges the entire mankind to get together and produce one
chapter like this. [2:23, 4:82, 17:88]
2:23 (For the real skeptic, here is a reason-friendly offer.) If you are
still in doubt concerning what We have revealed to Our servant (Muhammad),
call and set up (a committee, commission, organization, association of the
highest order) all your helpers besides God, and then produce just one Surah
(Chapter) like this, if you are truthful.
10:38 Or, do they say, “He has invented it”? Tell them, “Bring one Surah
like this and call for help everyone you can besides God, if you are
truthful.” [2:23, 11:13]
Three - The Quran presents another beautiful and most pragmatic
falsification test. It invites the people among which the exalted Prophet
lived, to reflect on his spotless character. The people of Arabia used to
call him Al-Amin (the trustworthy) and As-Sadiq (the truthful) even before
he was commissioned to the prophetic office.
7:184 Has it never occurred to them that there is no fault whatsoever in
their fellow-man? He has lived a whole life among you ….
10:16 Say, “…I have dwelt among you a whole lifetime before this. Will you
not, then, use your sense?”
Not a single person rose to deny this noble proclamation of the Quran. None
could point out a single fault in his character.
35 Questions & Objections: It is interesting to learn that throughout
history the smartest people have been able to conjure up only 35 questions
or objections against the glorious Book. From Abu Jahl of the seventh
century to the opponents in 2010, the same 35 Qs & Os have been circulating
and re-circulating for fourteen centuries. How is it that every one of these
35 has directly and convincingly been answered from right within the Book?
Four - Over the last 14 centuries, advancing human knowledge has been
proving the truth of the Quran again and again.
41:53 In time We will show them Our signs in the utmost Horizons and within
themselves, so that it will become clear to them that this Quran is
certainly the truth. Is it not enough for them to know that your Lord is
Witness to all things (including this proclamation)? [9:31-33, 13:31, 14:48,
18:48, 41:53, 48:28, 51:20-21, 61:9]
Whenever science proves and establishes some theory as fact, people notice
with amazement that it has been present in the Quran for fourteen centuries!
For example,
51:47 And it is We Who built the Universe with power, and certainly, it is
We Who are steadily expanding it.
[The expansion of the Universe was first proposed by the Belgian cosmologist
Georges Lemaitre and the Russian scientist A. Friemann. In 1929, it was
observed for the first time by the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. 55:5,
36:38 And the sun: it is running to its appointed destination. That is the
measure of the Almighty, the Knower.
[Until the 19th century, it was thought that the sun was static. But, the
celebrated Russian philosopher, astronomer and mystic, P.D. Ouspensky
(1878-1947, author of Tertium Organum), had maintained that any science that
contradicted the Quran would turn out to be false. Then, during Ouspensky’s
lifetime, it was discovered that the sun is moving towards a specified
destination at 12 miles per second, 43,200 miles per hour! This destination
has even been assigned names, the Solar Apex, the Constellation of Hercules]
Who taught such knowledge to the exalted Prophet in the middle of a barren
desert centuries ago?
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